Adding A New Customer

Related Pages: Adding A New Customer |  Invoice Module | Invoice Module Pricing | Invoice Delivery & Communication

Table of Contents

2 Types of Customers

Mcardit gives you the option of adding two types of customers:
1) Consumers (B2C)
2) Businesses (B2B)

2 Ways To Add A New Customer 

Mcardit offers 2 ways to add a new customer:
1) Via Woocommerce
2) Manually From Within Merchant Dashboard

Add Customer Via Woocommerce

New customers are automatically added to the Customer / Payee module of your Mcardit dashboard via the Woocommerce checkout process.

Adding A Consumer (B2C) Via Wooocommerce

New consumers are added to the Customer / Payee module of your Mcardit dashboard via the Mcardit Woocommerce plugin connected checkout process.

Adding New B2C Customer Via Woocommerce

Adding A Business Customer (B2B) Via Wooocommerce

New business customers are added to the Customer / Payee module of your Mcardit dashboard via the Mcardit Woocommerce plugin connected checkout process.

Add Customer Manually

New customers can be manually added via the Customer / Payee module inside your Mcardit dashboard.

Manually Adding A Business Customer (B2B)

Click the blue ADD CUSTOMER / PAYEE button located in the upper right section of the Customers & Payees module.

Doing so will open a ADD CUSTOMER / PAYEE information screen. Enter a company contact First and Last Name , Company Name and Email. Then click CONTINUE,

Adding New B2B Customer or Payee

Manually Adding A Consumer Customer (B2C)

Click the blue ADD CUSTOMER / PAYEE button located in the upper right section of the Customers & Payees module.

Doing so will open a ADD CUSTOMER / PAYEE information screen. Enter the customer’s First and Last Name and Email. Then click CONTINUE,

Adding New B2C Customer or Payee

After Adding A Customer

After adding a customer / payee you’ll see one of three (3) screens:

1. Add Customer Contact Information Screen

If you see this screen it tells you this customer does not exist in the Mcardit database and allows you, as the originating merchant, to add this customer’s contact information.

Business Contact Information (B2B)

Enter the information you have, the customer will correct it, if necessary,  as part of the customer verification process. Once the customer is verified, merchants can view their customer’s contact information, but can no longer edit it. Once verified, only the customer can edit their contact info.

Add Customer Contact Info

Consumer Contact Information (B2C)

Enter the information you have, the customer will correct it, if necessary,  as part of the customer verification process. Once the customer is verified, merchants can view their customer’s contact information, but can no longer edit it. Once verified, only the customer can edit their contact info.

Add Customer Contact Info B2C

2. Pending Verification Screen

If you see this screen, it tells you this customer already exists in the Mcardit database, but has not yet been verified. 

Invoicing Note:
You don’t need the customer’s contact information to be able to generate an invoice. Though you can generate an invoice, the customer’s contact information won’t be visible to you until the customer: 1) authorizes the release of their contact info to you or 2) pays your invoice, at which point their contact info is automatically released.

Pending Customer Verification

Pending Verification Customer Contact Info Screen

This screen shows your view of a customer whose verification is pending.

Pending Customer Verification Contact

3. Verified Customer Screen

If you see this screen, it tells you this customer already exists in the Mcardit database and has been verified. You can request the release of the customer’s contact information by clicking the REQUEST RELEASE TO YOU button (but this is not necessary to be able to invoice them).

Invoicing Note: You don’t need the customer’s contact information to be able to generate an invoice. Though you can generate an invoice, the customer’s contact information won’t be visible to you until the customer: 1) authorizes the release of their contact info to you or 2) pays your invoice, at which point their contact info is automatically released.

Verified Customer

Verified Customer Contact Info Authorization Release Process

Once you click the REQUEST RELEASE TO YOU button, Mcardit sends an email on your behalf to your customer with a link to AUTHORIZE RELEASE or decline the release. The email identifies you, as well as the reason for requesting the release. This release authorization  is required for all merchants the customer does business with inside the Mcardit ecosystem. It ensures your customer recognizes you. Combined with verifying them, this establishes a dual verification dependency that helps mitigate fraud, reduce refunds and prevent disputes.

Release Authorization Process

Verified Customer Contact Info Screen Prior To Authorized Release

This screen shows your view of a verified customer who has not yet authorized the release of their contact info to you or has not yet made payment. Once they do, you’ll have visibility to it automatically.

Customer Verification Contact

Verified Customer Contact Info Screen After Authorized Release

This screen shows your view of a verified customer who has either: 1) authorized the release of their contact info to you or 2) has made a payment to you.

Verified Customer View
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